We’ve done everything we can to make UBot Studio as easy to learn as possible.
Now it’s up to you.
Make an investment into yourself. Start small with a few hours of training and watch as your potential unfolds.

UBot Studio Blog
This is the best place to learn about all the new features being added to UBot Studio. We provide in-depth tutorials with full bot code, tips, and tricks to help you make the most out of UBot Studio and automate your workflow like a pro.

The Nuts and Bolts of Bot Building
This is an online course designed to get you up and running with UBot Studio. Learn the basic concepts for creating your first bot, and best practices that will carry you through to mastery.

The UBot Studio Wiki
This is a collection information and documentation on all the commands and features of UBot Studio. It's a great resource whenever you need to know the specifics of what a command does.

Join Our Community
Our forum is full of members just like you who are waiting and ready to help guide you on the path to automating your business. We'd love to have you become part of the team!

Contact Support
We offer world-class support in everything from automation ideas to bot-building. Just let us know what you need and our team will respond ASAP with a solution.